Sunday, December 5, 2010

Japan: A Listless Weekend

So basically, it's December. Which pretty much equates to Midterm time [early November] in the US. Thus, I have been hiding away in my room, eating junk food and despairing over the various deadlines rapidly approaching. I will probably have little time to post anything awesome until after the 25th. So. If you want to see my randomly, non-bloggy, kinda off the seat of my pants crappy posts, go here.

To add to that, we have suddenly accelerated to two chapters a week in Japanese class.

It's pretty intense. Vocab quizzes are actually challenging now. /lol

To spice up the apartment, we bought a Christmas tree!

This tree is like the most awesome tree. It is the BEST tree. I mean, LOOK AT IT. It is a huge tree if you are an ant. So it's all really a matter of perspective.

In any case, I am tired, I have a headache, and I have class tomorrow--YAAAAY. I really need to spice up my life this break. I see a trip to Kamakura in my future...

Recent Purchase

Klaus is probably the most offensive thing I have ever bought. Seriously.